Roos Nieboer
Voor ‘So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood’ nodigt Vleeshal Zeeuwse kunstenaars uit de rol van kompas op zich te nemen en het publiek mee te nemen naar inspirerende, interessante plekken in Zeeland. Deze aflevering met Roos Nieboer zal plaatsvinden op zondag 26 augustus bij de Veerse Gatdam.

Voor haar deelname aan ‘So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood’, nodigt Roos Nieboer haar publiek uit bij de Veerse Gatdam aan het Veerse Meer. De plek is door zijn weidsheid visueel interessant maar biedt daarnaast ook mogelijkheid tot (letterlijke) openheid. Tijdens een wandeling zal Nieboer delen van performances en teksten delen, die meer inzage in haar werkwijze zullen bieden. “Een specifieke plek is voor mij vaak het uitgangspunt voor een nieuw werk, en op deze plek aan de Veerse Gatdam heb ik al vaak gedacht ‘hier wil ik ook nog wel eens wat doen’ ”, aldus Nieboer.

Voor deze aflevering van ‘So You Don’t Get Lost in the Neighborhood’ verzamelen we om 14:00 bij de Veerse Gatdam, ter hoogte van de bushalte Banjaard Boulevard, Kamperland.
Parts of the ' imaginary theater piece: A life and a living (part I and II)'
that we have performed together in the field


Abstract form III
Roundabout tower
Upside down woman
The woman
Fancy rock

Abstract form III:
...and today it is right that we should ask ourselves the one most important question: What is the purpose of this all? All these years, all the sacrifices we make, the purpose of our life? Were there NOT a purpose, then all this years of standing here, entertaining others, not being with my loved ones, would be meaningless.
Roundabout tower: is staring at him passively.
Abstract form III:
But of course, there is a purpose, right? There must be. I shall search for it forever. I feel more and more useless everyday. My skin is getting old, harder, and rough. My head is feeling heavier every day.
The woman:
It sounds like you are in the middle of a midlife crisis, my friend! Buy a motorbike!
Abstract form III:
Never. Those environment polluting samples stay away from me.
The woman:
Don’t be so sensitive. I would love someone taking me on a motorbike.
(The woman sighs)
Someone pretty who drives me to Paris, with the wind in my hair… Taking me out for lunch, a glass of wine in my hand….


Upside down woman:
What is it, abstract form III? Are you ok?
Abstract form III:
I’m just…
Upside down woman:
Abstract form III:
Well… Yes
Upside down woman:
About what?
Abstract form III:
About my future, I guess.
Upside down woman:
What about it?
Abstract form III:
I don’t know, I want to be different. I don’t know if I want to be a statue for the rest of my life.
The woman:
Of course you want that! People looking at you, admiring you… Who would not want that?!
I know I do. I love all the attention!
Abstract form III
(Sarcastic) It’s a wonderful thing to have so many understanding friends.
Upside down woman:
You don’t think I’m understanding?
Roundabout tower:
(Soft) Guys…
Abstract form III:
I’m not talking about you, upside down woman, you know that. I mean...
Roundabout tower:
(Interrupting) GUYS!


Well, you could say indeed that I come from far. I’ve been on a long journey before I came here. Let me introduce myself: my name is Rock. I worked under the rails for many many years, during the whole period when they were smelting iron from the other stones. I’ve been here during the war too. But now I’m retired, I don’t work anymore. It was heavy labour and it hurts your back, carrying all those trains.
Roundabout tower:
So you’re very old?
Upside down woman:
That’s not a very polite question to ask, roundabout tower.
It’s fine. But, the real question is: What is old? I have family from Australia, from the granite part of the family, they are more than billion years old. Although when rocks get that old, they’ve been altered enough by geological forces that it’s hard to classify them. So I’m not sure if they are really family, you see.
The woman:
BORING! Tell us something exciting, Rock!
What do you want to know?
The woman:
Do you have children?
Yes, one, he’s called fancy rock. He must be around somewhere.
Roundabout tower:
Let’s call him! If he is here, I’m not the only young one here, that would be nice.
Abstract form III:
Am I no longer young, and still not half-perfect?


 A LIFE AND A LIVING (part I and II), Roos Nieboer 2018